Wednesday, 11 March 2009


(New Version with additional features)
This is a very user friendly software for preparing the Annual Budget of Panchayats . You just enter the corresponding amounts in the concerned cells. Don’t add or subtract any figures. It will be automatically displayed. You can see the percentage of Closing balance while entering the figures and so you can adjust the same by adjusting the Receipts and Expenditure side .Care should be taken for not changing or enter any figure in the cells of yellow colour. If you do so the formulas given in the cells are malfunction and as a result the abstract of Budget figures will be wrong. For downloading the softwar click here. After down loading the file you should unzip the folder using Winzip.
While opening the folder PROPERTY TAX GENERATOR you can see two files namely

1. Guidelines 2 Property tax Generator

1.Guidelines :
This file contains the general instructions for using this software

2 Property tax Generator
While opening this file you can see three sheets namely Basic data, Assesment details and Property tax Register. The columns basic data sheets are self explanatory and enter the figures and other details with care. The property tax register in the prescribed Performa is generated.
3 Property tax Calculator
While opening this file you can see a single sheet.This is mainly aimed to determine the property tax of an individual case. Care should be taken to not enter anything in the yellow area. Enter the basic data in the blue coloured area at the top right corner of the sheet. Enter the figures and other details with care. The property tax in the prescribed Performa is generated

If all are OK print the pages .It is better to take the print using a laser jet printer.

If you are experiencing any problem mail your doubts to

Created by Pradeepen Thulika

Office 0474 2593254


(New Version with additional features)

This is a very user friendly software for preparing the Annual Budget of Panchayats . You just enter the corresponding amounts in the concerned cells. Don’t add or subtract any figures. It will be automatically displayed. You can see the percentage of Closing balance while entering the figures and so you can adjust the same by adjusting the Receipts and Expenditure side .Care should be taken for not changing or enter any figure in the cells of yellow colour. If you do so the formulas given in the cells are malfunction and as a result the abstract of Budget figures will be wrong. For downloading the software click here. After down loading the file you should unzip the folder using Winzip.

While opening the folder BUDGET MADE EASY you can see four files namely

1. Guidelines 2.Facing sheet 3.Malayalam Fonts 4.Master budget

1.Guidelines :
This file contains the general instructions for using this software

2.Facing sheet :
This is the facing sheet of Budget proforma.You can change the name of Panchayat

3.Malayalam Fonts :
While opening the Master budget file sometimes you may not read Malayalam in your computer. This indicates that Malayalam fonts are not installed in your computer. If so you just open this file and select all the contents by pressing ctrl+A. The contents are highlighted.Copy the contents by pressing ctrl+C.Close the window and open My Computer icon. From there open control panel and then open Fonts.Then paste the copied contents by pressing ctrl+V.The Malayalam fonts are installed in your computer. Once again open the Master Budget.See the budget Performa in Malayalam.

4.Master budget
While opening this file you can see two sheets namely Receipts and Expenditure. Click the Receipts Sheet. The columns are self explanatory and enter the figures with care. Special attention should be taken for not changing or enter any figure in the cells of yellow colour. After completing Receipts sheet proceeds to the Expenditure Sheet.Enter the figures.After completing checks the % of CB at the right side of Abstract. If it is below 5% adjust the figures in Receipts and Expenditure.

If all are OK print the pages .It is better to take the print using a laser jet printer.

See the Budget in an elegant look with correct figures

If you are experiencing any problem mail your doubt to

Created by Pradeepen Thulika

Office Phone 0474 2593254